A magnetic feedthrough is the perfect solution for transferring rotational motion between environments with different pressures, such as from atmosphere to vacuum or overpressure. It offers numerous advantages, including friction-less motion, high torque transmission, the ability to operate at high speeds exceeding 10,000 rpm, low drag torque, smooth motion, and no generation of particles that could degrade the process. With a magnetic feedthrough, you can ensure reliable operation even in challenging conditions.

Applications of Ferro Feedthroughs:

  • Economical alternative to O-ring rotary feedthroughs
  • Sample manipulation, positioning, and robotics
  • Substrate rotation within a vacuum chamber
  • Fluid agitation under vacuum conditions
  • Vibration-free damping applications
  • Hermetic sealing for maintaining a contamination-free environment
Ferromagnetic Feedthrough - Solid Shaft O-Ring and O-RIng Flanged
Ferromagnetic Feedthrough - Solid Shaft Baseplate Mount and Thread Mount

Basics of Feedthroughs Using Magnetic Liquid Rotary Seals

Carl A. Russo, Author

Ferrofluidic seals, also known as magnetic liquid rotary seals, are implemented in rotating machinery to facilitate rotary movement while upholding a leak tight seal through the utilization of a physical barrier in the shape of a ferrofluid. This ferrofluid is held in position with the aid of a permanent magnet. Since their inception in the 1970s, these seals have been utilized in specific fields like computer disc drives, semiconductor, vacuum technology applications, and nuclear systems.

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Leak rate: 1 x 10-9 std. cc/sec, HeLeak rate: 1×10-11 std cc/sec, He
Vacuum range: 8 x 10-7 TorrVacuum range: 5×10-10 Torr
Max. operation pressure: 28 psi
Bearing lubrication: Fomblin / Krytox
Base oil: HydrocarbonBase oil: Perfluorinated Polyether
Max. operation temperature: 0-80 °CMax. operation temperature: 0-90 °C

Part Number System

S= solid shaftF= flangeN= non-active025= 0.25″W= water coolingN= ordinaryC133=CF1.33
H= hollow shaftB= base plateA= active100= 1.00″N= no coolingH= overloadC275=CF2.75
T= threadC= cantileverO6=6″ flange w/o-ring
C= cartridgeO= specialO7=7″ flange w/o-ring
516= 5/16-24 thread
716= 7/16-20 thread
100= 1″ mtg plate

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ImageNamePriceStockSelect Part & Buy
Hollow Shaft - Cartridge Mount$1,220.00$3,371.00

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Hollow Shaft - O-Ring Flanged$1,647.00$4,487.00

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Solid Shaft - Baseplate Mount$605.00$747.00

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Solid Shaft - CF Flange$747.00$1,413.00

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Solid Shaft - O-Ring$1,188.00$3,258.00

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Solid Shaft - Thread Mount$563.00$1,278.00

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