Alcatel Vacuum Pump Rebuild Kits and Parts

Mack Vacuum’s engineers were among the original field testers for Alcatel’s direct drive vacuum pumps.

Alcatel of France was one of the pioneers in the development of the direct drive vacuum pump. This was a major improvement over the old-style belt driven pump. Mack engineers worked with Alcatel during this period to field test these newly designed pumps for reliability and endurance under the most difficult operating conditions. This resulted in a superior product which changed vacuum technology forever.

Is it worth rebuilding an Alcatel vacuum pump?

The answer is, yes! Alcatel’s vacuum pumps still represent a great value and are worthy of repurposing in today’s world.

We provide the parts and kits to rebuild or refurbish Alcatel vacuum pumps.

We sell parts and kits for Alcatel A-Series Pumps, Alcatel-Adixen Pascal Series Pumps and Standard Series Pumps. Our vacuum pump parts meet the rebuilding requirements to restore the original performance.

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